c) The TV who won't give his GG an even break.
d) The TV who thinks he's an oracle on the subject of TVism. e) The TV who doesn't have a sense of humor.
f) The TV who knocks the HS.
g) The TV who drinks beer out of a can when dressed.
h) The TV who doesn't go in for a little girl-work.
i) The TV who acts spooky, but nevertheless takes chances. j) The TV who presumes that another TV's brother will do the escort job without asking.
As you can see Doll is the kind of girl who bites every now and then. She is trying to curb this habit for it is not calculated to make friends.
Like most TV's, I am inclined to have my own theories on TVism which are the results of reading and observation of both the TV and the HS. Although there are others more qualified to put forth these concepts, I will touch upon them briefly as a matter of interest to readers.
I have noticed that most TV's have a strong attachment to mother. that their identification tends to move out in the direction of mother rather than father. (What logic!). I have the feeling that their mothers were often very dominant figures and often permissive types. It is possible that when they were infants they were, in a sense, overwhelmed by mother to the point of not wanting to cut the apron strings of not wanting to sever this very strong identification with mother, but yet having to realize that, they were really males. Hence, dressing permits true identification and also the realization of their maleness. TVism is a way of having one's cake and eating it too.
I feel that TVism is and always has been an integral part of our personality and that the sooner we learn to accept this fact the better our chances for a peaceful, serene life. Any other avenue represents, to my way of thinking, one of the highest forms of inner, personal conflict.
TVism has, in some way, affected our lives. . .the friends we make, the way we live and our attitudes towards other humans. Although, as recently as 2 years ago, I did regard my TVism as a handicap, I no longer feel that way. Association with TV friends and with friends in the medical world has convinced me that